St. Christopher's Anglican Church is an Open Communion church on Saturna Island. It was dedicated in 1963 and joined with various other parishes until 1970 when it became a parish on its own. Since 1984, St. Christopher's has been part of The Parish of Pender and Saturna Islands in The Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets formerly The Dioces of British Columbia. Information about the Diocese and our particular parish can be found at https://bc.anglican.ca, by speaking with any of the islanders who are a regular part of the St. Christopher's community, or by dropping in most Sundays between 10:00 and noon.
Behind the church is a forested area through which a path and memory garden for scattering ashes has been established recently. This area of course is open at all times, and has been dubbed "The Way" by the community that uses it for prayer and meditation. It is our hope as a faith community that it can be a pathway for prayer and healing.
St. Christopher's Church holds Anglican services as well as services conducted by ministers of other denominations. The Minister for the Parish of Pender and Saturna Islands lives on Pender and comes to minister at St. Christopher's the 2nd Sunday of every month. We are fortunate as well to have additional leadership from the larger Saturna community who are able to lead community gatherings for meditation, and common worship.
The lower level of the church is home to Saturna's library.
Contact info: jeamundsonatgmail.com, judithrtatbootcovemarine.ca
The monthly schedule for St Christopher's is Meditation every first and third Sunday, Anglican Eucharist every second Sunday, and community led worship on the fourth and fifth Sundays. Periodically circumstances will necessitate a change from this pattern. A current weekly church notice is posted along the road outside the church and on the Saturna Island Forum FB page. |